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Friday, August 26, 2011

Crazy week....and custom designs

This week has been a crazy one...first, I experienced my first earthquake...and now,we are bracing for Hurricane Irene which is tearing up the east coast and is headed right for where I live.  So, what is one to do when you there is a hurricane on the horizon??  If you are me, you make jewelry!!

Check out my latest custom design for my beautiful sister Lori.  Lori wanted something in sterling silver that was not too long, not too big, and could be worn with alot of different colors and outfits.  Here is what I came up you think I was successful in meeting all of her requirements?

Let me know what you think....and for everyone on the east coast this safe...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Recently, everywhere I go I am seeing owls.  It is a craze that has definitely been catching on.  And I have to admit, I am getting caught up in it.  I recently purchased an owl wallflower from Bath and Body Works which I am super excited about.  Owl pillows, owl blankets, owling (have you heard of this???) and of course, owl inspired jewelry.  Not wanting to be left behind in this latest trend, I decided to create my very own owl design. 

My idea for my first owl-inspired design....a simple necklace pendant.  Pairing a small green leaf and a golden bicone with my brown glass owl bead, resulted in this super simple design that I think can be worn with almost anything.  Check it out and let me know what you think.

To show you how versatile the necklace is, here is a picture of me wearing it.  I have accessorized  my black shirt dress with the nacklace and a few other brown key pieces to bring it all together.  Check it out and let me know what you think....

What other owl designs would you like to see?? 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Feathers....the new trend??

Recently, my husband's teenage daughter told me that feather earrings were the "in" thing, although I believe she said...."they are cool, yeah!".  It is funny, because when I was a kid back in the 80's, they were the in thing then too.  Anyone remember feathers attached to leather cord that you would clip into your hair?  I don't know about you, but I loved them!!!  It is truly funny how trends always seem to make a comeback. 

Anyway, she told me that I should make some earrings with feathers so I decided to give it a try.  Because they are so trendy I decided to make them low cost by using surigical steel earwires and silver plated crimps.  That way, I could retail them for $5, a bargain for any fashion forward teenager!!  : )

Here are a couple samples of what I came up with.  I am thinking of trying to recreate the hair clip idea because I am sucker for that 80's fad....let me know what you think.  Would you wear this trend?  If you are a parent or tweenager/teenagers, would they wear the trend.  Please provie feedback.  I would love to hear from you.


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Earrings that make you say....

For me, these earrings make me say wow!  I love them.  I just love the green and the blue together.  It makes me want to hop on a plane and go somewhere tropical.  Made with peridot and indicolite Swarovski crystal, these are a perfect summer accessory.  Dress up that little LBD for that summer wedding....or add a little pop of color to your work day outfit.  They are very versatile.  Long enough to wear for a night on the town, but not too long that you couldn't wear them everyday!  Check them out and see what you think...

For some reason, I feel like I should be sipping on a pina colada when I look at these.  Am I crazy?  Does anyone else feel that way?  Tell me what you think of one of my latest creations!!